Friday, September 23, 2011

Temper Tantrums or Personality?

What would you do if you walked into a store and saw a grown man lying there in the middle of the floor kicking and screaming and rolling around because they were out of his favorite chips.  He would look pretty ridiculous, right?  So why is it my two beautiful children think it's okay to throw themselves to the floor in complete hysterics because they couldn't have "nack" right then.  Oh my beautiful babies.  I love them so in all their glory.  It's like on September 11, 2011 they turned 2 and on September 12, 2011 this little switch was turned on in their little heads to throw a tantrum every 10-15 minutes every day for the next year.  Yes, we are just in week two of this new year, but I have had my fair share of tantrums to last me a lifetime.  I feel like hitting the floor screaming and crying because I have to change the fifth dirty diaper of the day.  And let me tell you.  Time out does not work for these two.  They go to the corner and have discussions with themselves about what they should do next to either get in trouble or to get my attention.  It's funny if they are in time out at the same time because they talk to each other and plot.  When you get them out and tell them why they went to time out and ask if they understand they will straight up tell you no and go to the next thing or even back to the first thing that go them in trouble. 

Everyone, they are little people roaming this earth now with minds of their own and it is our (Chris and my) responsibility to make sure that they turn out at least halfway decit.  So I made this vow to myself.  I said self, "Your children will not be the ones in the store kicking and screaming because life is not going their way.  You will not bribe them to behave while you finish grocery shopping (that's if you're crazy enough to take them both).  You will not ignore their temper tantrums when in a restaurant, pretending they do not exist and allow them to disturb everyone's meal.  You will discipline no matter where you are because it will make them better people."  Folks, I have stuck by this and will continue to do so.  I have not had to leave a grocery store yet because they are very well behaved, but I also don't shop for three hours.  In and out people.  They have had to serve time out in Toys R Us because of misbehavior.  And yes, when we were at the Mexican restaurant I asked the waiter to box my food up before it even made it to the table and took their screaming little bodies out to the car while Chris paid the bill.  Most recently, Trenton lost it in a store on our way to his doctor's appointment and he was taken to the car immediately, his little behind was reminded of why we do not act like caged animals and he was strapped into his car seat.  As I was doing this another woman was walking out of the same store with her screaming daughter bribing her with McDonald's if she would stop (huge eye roll).  I am happy to report that while Trenton stared out the window all the way to the doctor's office clutching his blanket and sniffling after his little reminder, he was the most well behaved child during the entire appointment.  People, I just had to tell him once and he got it.

Honestly, though, these children are the absolute loves of my life and I can't imagine my life without them.  They have very distinct personalities and they crack me up.  Lillian Deborra Jackson was born 40 long minutes after her brother and for the first 6 months was our patient little princess who just would go with the flow.  She would listen to Trenton scream and just lay them and coo and smile like, "Life is grand".  Today, she's a leader, instigator, and the boss of this house (so she thinks).  She walks around with authority and though we don't always understand what she is saying, we know that she is demanding or commanding.  She very much has my personality and looks exactly like me so what am I to expect.  She is all girl and will carry her purse and push her shopping cart around the house on a mission.  Her middle name is after my mother Deborra and she has a little bit of G.G. in her because the girl loves shoes just like my Mom and speaks her mind just like my Mom.  They have a very special bond and I know she was named properly from the second I saw her little face.  She's a fighter and doesn't put up with anybody's bull.  She is also the busy body of the house and always on the move.  From the time those eyes open until we lay her down at night she's into something.  She's sneaky too.  She will get into something that she knows she's not allowed to be in and just as I'm turning she's gone and Trenton is left at the scene of the crime.  For a while he was getting in trouble until one day I caught her trying to get those little legs of her's going fast enough to get away before getting in trouble.  She's quick to do everything first because she was born last.  She walked first and is talking much more than Trenton.  That's because she doesn't have time to wait for me to figure it out...she just tells me straight up and we go from there.  She's a tiny ball of fire! 

Trenton Alexander Jackson came into this world on a mission and in a hurry. He wanted to make a real impression in the family.  I suppose that's why he decided that I would go into labor and deliver on September 11 when they weren't due until Halloween.  He was a little slow to get going in the beginning and need a little bit of assistance his first few days of life, but once everything was removed he demanded that he get attention.  When Trenton wimpered you had approximately 10 seconds to figure out what he wanted before it was a full out hysterical screech.  That's the way the house ran for the first 6 months.  I knew that Lily would wait patiently as I made bottles or changed diapers, but Trenton needed me immediately.  Not easy when you are alone with two infants for a majority of the day.  Now, our little man is laid back and relaxed just like his daddy.  And boy does he look like his daddy.  He will take his blanket that his G.G. made him and sit in a corner with his toys and wait for the next move.  He is easily excited and has the most beautiful smile of any little boy I've ever seen.  He just goes with the flow and if he's not ready, he's just not ready.  He didn't start walking until he was 17 months because he knew he would be taken care of when it was his turn.  He can still be a little demanding, but he's much more quiet about it all.  He lets Lily do most of the talking to get what he wants and is satisfied with the choices she makes...most of the time.  He loves to cuddle up with you to watch Diego or Mickey Mouse Club or to read a book.  He's an observer and will wait until the time is right.  He is a complete gentleman like his dad (well unless there's a knock down drag out for a toy) and adores his baby sister.  He is very protective of her and will stare a stranger down that even looks in her direction.

Just wanted to give you an introduction to the dynamic duo in our lives.  Believe me there will be more stories to come about these two!

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